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Do you wish to relieve stress, boost your immune system, decrease pain and connect with your community? And, would you like to inspire more joy and lightheartedness in your life?

Laughter is the best medicine, they say, and our laughter yoga sessions are here to prove it. Experience the sheer bliss of contagious laughter as you engage in playful exercises that uplift your spirit and release stress. Prepare to laugh your way to a lighter heart and a brighter outlook.

Intentional laughter (or Laughter Yoga) is a simple yet powerful form of exercise. It combines yoga-based deep breathing, gentle stretching, laughter exercises and playful games and activities. Using no jokes or comedy, a class involves movement and breathing exercises designed to stimulate laughter and cultivate an inner spirit of joy.

Laughter Yoga was created by Dr. Madan Kataria, a family physician in India who, after researching the profound physiological and psychological benefits of laughter, wanted to find an alternative way of treating his patients; many of whom were suffering from illness related to stress. What started with five people in a Mumbai park in 1995 now has thousands of people practicing all over the world.

Benefits of Laughter

In addition to feeling great during and after a good laugh, there are plenty of recent scientific studies that show that the old cliche “laughter is the best medicine” rings true. Laughter helps all systems of the body- the respiratory system, the circulatory and nervous systems, and the endocrine and immune systems.

Laughter can benefit us by:

Boosting the immune system
Relieving emotional and mental stress
Relieving tension in muscles
Helping with managing pain
Providing aerobic exercise for the whole body and building core strength
Improving breathing
Stimulating digestion and internal organs
Oxygenating blood and brain making one feel alert and energetic
Improving productivity, creativity and improves communication
Inspiring optimism and hope
and so much more!

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